Posted by [V3N0M] on Sunday, December 21, 2008

For All Those Gmail Account Holders That Whish To Use A Gmail Account With Msn Messenger & .Net Passport Service Use Msn Messenger with Gmail

An Introduction

In this tutorial you will learn how to step up your Gmail Account with . net passport to allow u to login to msn messenger ang any .net passport supported website

What you will need

  • A Gmail Account - as these are only obtainable via invitation i will assume you already have one .
  • Msn Messenger / Windows Messenger - used to verify your gmail account.

Here is how to do it -

  • Once you have downloaded / obtained all of thease you are ready to continue.
  • log in to your gmail account via - Once you are logged in minimize this internet browser window ( convenient or later on )
  • load up msn messenger and cancel any automatic signed in attempt so that you have it ready to signed in with your gmail account later on .
  • You will need to visit the Microsoft .Net Passport website -
  • Now you will need to click on the register for your free .net passport today button that is in the top right hand corner of the page you cant miss it its huge
  • That will take you to a registration page fill in the from as you would if you where filling a hotmail account accept when asked for your email account you would enter
  • Once the registration of you .net registered gmail account has been made , signed in to Msn messenger using this newly registered account , you will notice that when you signed in to messenger your messenger name will be (un verified ) and you wont be able to change it , this is solved below.
  • As soon as you have signed in , a message will appear in an information box ( the same as when a contact signed in ) , click on this and you will be taken though the process of Verifying your account the reason you have to go though this is because at current gmail is not affiliated with .net passport e.g .net passport doesn't recognize the as a valid email provider there for they cannot automatically verify your account ( hotmail and msn auto verify as there .net passport affiliated websites) ,
  • Once u have been taken though the verification process you will be asked to log in to your email account and visit the url given in an email form the .net passport verification service , maximize the internet browser window that you signed in to gmail on earlier , you will have 2 emails form .net passport the first will be welcoming you to .net passport , the second will be the one we are after , the verification email , open this up find the url to finish verifying your email address ( usually its either the first to thirs url in the email)
  • Once you have completed these actions and you have been told that your gmail account is verified , signed out of msn messenger , then re signed back in ( you don't need to wait for any period of time just signed out then straight back in again) , you will now notice the (not verified) had been removed form your msn name , and now you are able to change ther name to , if this is so m, then congratulations you now have a fully functioning .net passport gmail account ( you cannot access your gmail email account via msn messenger you will still have to visit the gmail login page for this )
  • If for any reasons this did not work , and you again receive the message asking you to verify , or you haven't received your verification email from .net passport , then re-try steps 2 - 7 , un till you get it working correctly .

i hope this helps some of you gmail account users out there that have been wracking your brains over how to get gmail in to msn messenger.




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